Intraocular Pressure Measurement, Sopron
Intraocular pressure is maintained constantly produced and drained out the delicate balance of humor. If this balance shifts in one direction or too low (this is rare), or it will be too high for prevailing against pressure.
Equal Channel Transfer, Sopron
If the tear duct obstruction constant Redness, stagnant in the more infected, more tube inflammation (dermatitis-dacryocys) develops and purulent discharge of infected cornea can cause corneal ulcers. Managing medical problem. The treatment, the ophthalmologist will perform a sounding.
Remove Ice Barley, Sopron
The chalazion occurs painless, as the elastic nodules. The inner surface of the upper eyelids growing barley can cause unpleasant tingling as she rubs the cornea, blurred vision and light is blinking while since the regular deformed surface. The most common form of treatment to remove an outpatient surgical procedure.